Manual and instructions


With noise levels from 110 decibels (dB(A)) you risk permanent hearing damage almost immediately. At lower noise levels, 80-110 dB(A), the risk of hearing damage depends on the time period in which you are exposed to the noise. Please note, a dB scale is logarithmic. An additional three decibels means a doubling of the loudness; therefore, for every 3dB(A) increase you will see a halving of the time at which the noise becomes harmful. Hearing damage is permanent and irreversible, so it is important that you always wear hearing protection if you are at risk of coming into contact with loud noise.

With more than 20 years of development by a leading audiologist, NoNoise reusable hearing protectors are far superior to foam, wax or silicone hearing protectors. Ceramic noise filters and silicone-free, hypoallergenic plastic provide maximum protection. NoNoise hearing protectors ensure that dangerous noise levels are filtered out, while the desired sounds come through crystal clear in all high, mid and low tones. We use different filters for different applications so that NoNoise hearing protectors are ideal for all applications.

The absolutely unique design of NoNoise hearing protectors ensures that more sound is absorbed than with conventional hearing protectors and at the same time allows more sound to pass through at speech level. This happens without the annoying side effects such as the occlusion effect or muffled sounds, as with conventional earplugs. While NoNoise hearing protectors ensure that your delicate hearing is protected, you still get natural, crystal-clear sound reproduction. All NoNoise hearing protectors are fully tested and approved by the Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (IFA) and fully comply with all requirements of EN352-2:2020. The entire production process takes place in the Netherlands according to strict production standards.

NoNoise hearing protectors are always precisely adjusted for optimal attenuation over a broad spectrum of sound frequencies through the use of different filters. This means you are optimally protected in every application, while desirable sound remains audible faithfully. The independently measured average attenuation values ​​of the different hearing protectors are stated on the packaging.

• Installing, using and maintaining the hearing protectors in the prescribed manner is essential to guarantee the tested attenuation values.

• Take the stem between your thumb and index finger, pull the ear up and back a little with one hand and place the hearing protector in the ear canal with the other hand, turning it until it is secure.

• To remove, pull out carefully and slowly turning.

• Clean your hearing protectors regularly and thoroughly (ideally after each use). This can be done with warm water and soap. Periodic disinfection can be done with the supplied NoNoise Cleaning Fluid. In all cases, dry the hearing protectors thoroughly.

• Store the hearing protectors in the supplied aluminum capsule.

With normal use and maintenance, Nonoise hearing protectors can be used many times over for a longer period of time, without any noticeable reduction in stated product properties. With proper maintenance and use, a shelf life of 5 years, starting from the production date shown on the packaging, is easily achievable.

• This product may be damaged by certain chemicals. Information about this must be requested from the manufacturer.

• Sudden or rapid removal of hearing protectors from the ear canal can damage the eardrum.

• The NoNoise hearing protector only functions optimally if it is inserted into the ear canal and cared for correctly, ie as described in the instructions for use.

• Hearing protection must be worn without interruption in environments with high noise levels.

• Current noise situations may vary. Sound levels are influenced by, for example, distance, indoors or outdoors. Make sure that you stay below the noise level of 80 dB(A) as much as possible, including the attenuation of the hearing protectors.

• Without a filter, the hearing protection does not have a sufficiently adequate sound-absorbing effect and cannot be used as such.

• The hearing protectors should be checked regularly for deformations and damage. If these are found, they must be replaced.

• If the instructions for use are not followed correctly, the protective effect may be negatively affected. In this case, NoNoise BV takes no responsibility for the proper functioning of its products.

• Keep the hearing protectors away from children and animals (danger of choking/suffocation).

• The diameter of the hearing protector is: 6 mm - 13 mm. The total length of the earplug: 21.9 mm

Docterskampstraat 5, 5222 AM 's-Hertogenbosch (NL)

NoNoise hearing protection has been tested and approved by: Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (IFA), Alte Heerstrasse 111, 53757 Sankt Augustin, Germany (0121), fully in accordance with European regulations on personal protective equipment, PPE Regulation (EU) 2016 /425.

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Declaration of conformity: Declaration


At sound levels of 110 decibels (dB(A)) or more, you risk immediate and permanent hearing damage. At sound levels of 80-110 dB(A) the risk to your hearing is dependent on the duration for which you are exposed to the sound. Note that the decibel scale is logarithmic, ie an increase of just 3dB(A) results in the doubling of the sound strength; this also means that for every increase of 3dB(A) the time it takes to cause permanent hearing damage is halved. Hearing damage is irreversible, so it is essential to use hearing protection.

NoNoise hearing protectors are the new generation in hearing protection. Developed over 20 years by a leading audiology expert, reusable NoNoise protectors are superior to traditional foam, wax or silicone earplugs. Precision-tuned ceramic sound filters and silicone-free hypoallergenic material ensure maximum protection against dangerous levels of noise. Filtration reduces volume but does not deform the sound and let you listen clearly to a surrounding conversation. Comfortable and suitable for all applications.

As a result of NoNoise's radically different and unique design, more sound is absorbed in comparison to conventional filter-based hearing protectors. As well as helping to protect and preserve your delicate hearing, NoNoise hearing protectors ensure clear, high definition sound quality, without the muffling (occlusion) effect that is typical for conventional foam or filter ear protectors. NoNoise hearing protectors are tested and approved by the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance (IFA) in Germany and fulfill all requirements of EN352-2:2020. All manufacturing is carried out in The Netherlands and is strictly controlled.

NoNoise hearing protectors use a variety of specific filters so they are always precisely tuned for optimum attenuation at the frequencies required for different tasks. The independently measured sound attenuation of the specific protector is described on the packaging.

Proper fitting, usage and maintenance, in accordance with the instructions, is essential to guarantee the measured sound attenuation.

For fitting gently lift up each ear and pull backwards. Insert hearing protector, rotating until it fits snugly. To remove, simply rotate and gently pull out.

Clean your hearing protectors regularly and thoroughly, using warm soapy water. Periodic disinfection can be done using a mild alcohol solution, however we recommend that you use NoNoise Cleansing Fluid and follow the detailed instructions included. Always store your hearing protectors dry, in the supplied aluminum tube.

Nonoise hearing protectors, if properly used and maintained, can be used many times and last a long time, without any noticeable reduction of characteristics. When all regulations are considered, the expiration date when used and the shelf life is set to 5 years after the production date (see package).

The expiration date as stated on the packaging is a minimum.

• This product may be adversely affected by certain chemical substances. More information about this to be requested at the manufacturer.

• Sudden or rapid removal of the ear plug from the ear canal may damage the eardrum.

• NoNoise hearing protectors function optimally only when inserted and used correctly, ie in accordance with this leaflet and the information on our website.

• Hearing protectors should be worn in any environment where noise levels are 80dB(A) or more. If you are unsure of the decibel level, it is always better to use hearing protection and protect yourself.

• Noise levels can vary. The amplitude (volume) you hear is affected by the distance you are from the noise source and other conditions such as whether you are indoors or outdoors. Always ensure that wherever possible, the sound level (after taking into account the attenuation by your Hearing Protectors) stays below 80dB(A).

• Do not remove the internal filter from the hearing protectors: without the filter there is no sound attenuation.

• The hearing protectors should be checked for cracks, damages or deformation frequently. If noticed, replace immediately.

• If the instructions on this leaflet or on the website are not complied with fully, the protection level could be negatively influenced.

• The manufacturer accepts no liability for any hearing damage if the hearing protectors are not used correctly and according to the instructions.

• Keep out of reach of children and animals.

The diameter of the earplug measures 6 mm - 13 mm. Total length is 21.9 mm.

Docterskampstraat 5, 5222 AM Den Bosch (NL).

Nonoise hearing protectors are tested and approved by the German Social Accident Insurance (IFA) in Germany (0121), in accordance with European Personal Protection Equipment Regulation (EU) 216/425.

(IFA, Alte Heerstrasse 111, 53757 Sankt Augustin)

To learn more about the NoNoise technology? Please visit us at:

Declaration of conformity:


The sound level is superior at 110 décibels (dB(A)), resulting in permanent auditory effects. At the lower sound levels, 80 to 110 dB(A), the risk of auditory exposure depends on the duration of the son's exposition. Attention, the dB is a logarithmique. Three décibels additional correspondents for a double of the intensity of the son; Accordingly, with a constant increase of 3 dB(A), you can observe a reduction in the temperature of the temperature during the next year. Les lésions auditory sont permanent et irreversibles. Il importe donc de toujours porter une protection auditory si vous risquez d'entrer en contact avec son fort.

Après 20 plus the development of a renowned audiologist, the auditory protections are reutilizable NoNoise sont de loin supérieures à celles en mousse, en cire ou en silicone. The sonores and ceramic filters and the hypoallergenic plastic sans silicone guarantee maximum protection. The protection of auditory noise is veiled by the danger of the sound of the sound, even if the sons are left behind by the cristalline manifold, the eyes and the graves. Nous utilisons différents filtres pour différentes applications, c'est pour quoi les protections auditorives NoNoise sont ideales pour toutes les applications.

La conception absolument unique des protections auditorives NoNoise permet d'absorber plus the sons qu'avec les protections auditorive conventionnelles, tout en laissant passer plus the sons au Level de la parole. Et ce, sans effets secondaires embarrassing tels que l'effet d'occlusion ou les sons sourds des bouchons d'oreille conventionnels. Less auditory protections No Noise guarantees the protection of your delicate délicate, even more so than a natural reproduction of your son, a clear crystal line. Toutes les protections auditory Noise sont entièrement testées et approuvées par l'Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (IFA) et répondent à toutes les exigences de la norme EN352-2:2020. The ensemble of manufacturing processes based on the production strict standards.

Thanks to the utilization of the different filters, les protections auditory NoNoise sont toujours réglées avec précision for an optimal attention to a large spectrum of sound frequencies. The fact is that the application is a matter of optimal protection, and that the sons remain faithful to the audibles. Less valeurs d'atténuation des différents protections audibles, mesurées de manière indépendante, son indiquées sur l'emballage.

• The mise en place, the utilization and the correct use of the auditory protections sont essentials to guarantee the valeurs d'atténuation testes.

• Prenez la tige entre le pouce et l'index, tirez légèrement l'oreille vers le top et l'arrière avec une main et, de l'autre main, insérez la protection auditory dans le conduit auditif en la tournant jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit bien en place.

• Pour les retirer, tirez doucement et springment en tournant.

• Nettoyez régulièrement et soigneusement vos protections auditorives (de préférence après chaque utilisation). For the sake of fairness in the way of chaude and savon. A disinfection period is effective in helping with the alcohol solution, but also with the recommendations for using the NoNoise fluid and following the detailed instructions. Dans tous les cas, séchez soigneusement les protections aural.

• - Conserve les protections auditory dans la capsule en aluminum fournie.

As for the utilization and normal use of the equipment, the use of auditory protections is not a requirement for the long term use of the product, without the diminutive nature of the façon. Depending on the usage requirements, it takes up to 5 years for conservation to take place during the manufacturing process and the packaging process is easy to realize.

• The product is end-to-end with certain chic products. Vous devez demander des informations à ce sujet au fabricant.

• Le retreat soudain ou rapide des protections auditives du conduit auditif peut endommager le tympan.

• Less auditory protections Noise ne fonctionne de manière optimique que si elle est utilisée correctement, c'est-à-dire comme décrit dans le mode d'emplooi, inséré dans le conduit auditif et entretenu.

• Take care of the auditory protection and permanence of the environment at the level of your life.

• Les situations sonores réelles peuvent vary. The level of sound influences, by example, by distance, the fait d'être à l'interieur or à l'extérieur. Keep in mind that the maximum sound level is 80 dB(A), and the attention to auditory protection is taken into account.

• Without filtering, the auditory protection is not effective in protecting the sound and is not yet useful in comme telles.

• Les auditory protections are subject to regulatory control to ensure that they are not deformed or encapsulated. Si c'est le cas, vous devez les replacer.

• If you do not have to worry about correcting the mode of employment, the effectiveness of your protection will last forever. Dans ce cas, NoNoise BV décline toute responsabilité quant au bon fonctionnement de ses products.

• Tenez les protections audoires hors de portée des enfants et des animaux (risque d'étouffement/de suffocation).

• The diameter of the bouchon d'oreille is approximately 6 and 13 mm. The total length is 21.9 mm..

Docterskampstraat 5, 5222 AM 's-Hertogenbosch (NL)

Les Protections Auditives Nonoise Onté Testées et Aprouvées Par: Institut für Arbeitsschutz derutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung 111, 53757 Sankt Augustin, Entièrement Conformagement The Conformage The Conformance The Conformance The Conformance The Conformage The Conformance The Confirmation The Conformage Redification ELLE, Règlement Epi (UE) 2016/425.

And are you familiar with NoNoise technology? Visit our website:

Declaration of conformity :


With a maximum sound level of 110 Dezibel (dB(A)) it will last a long time. With low noise levels (80-110 dB(A)) the risk of damage to the load is abated. Please note that a detailed dB scale is logarithmic. Eine Erhöhung om three Dezibel entspricht einer Verdoppelung der Schallintensität, dh für jede Steigerung um 3 dB(A) halbiert sich Zeit, ab der sich der Schall gesundheitsschädlich auswirkt. Gehörschäden since permanent and irreversible, although it is important, befahr des Kontakts mit strong Lärm stets einen Gehörschutz zu Slowen.

With more than 20 years of maintenance work during one of our careers, audiologists are extremely spoiled for noise and noise pollution, but they are also extremely sensitive to dust. Ceramic shell filter and silicone free, hypoallergenic plastic material with maximum protection. Noise noise filtering ensures sound noise levels are present, allowing the desired sound to be present in the same way, mittlering and the frequencies are crystal clear. This means that the different noise-sensitive filters will be spoiled, and the noise-reducing noise for all the noises will be the same.

Thanks to the absolute unique designs of the noise-free sound, more sound absorbs as well as the sound of sound and the noise of more sound in sound. These are useful for these last-ditch effects, which can be achieved through the acoustic effect of the dumping Geräusche. With no noise sound noise, the sound of sound is clear, and you can enjoy a natural, crystal clear sound. All noise protection measures since the Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (IFA) have been fully tested and approved by EN352-2:2020. The combined production process follows stricter production standards in the Netherlands.

Durch Einsatz verschiedener Filter sind NoNoise-Gehörschützer immer präzise with an optimal Schalldämmung over a broad spectrum of Schallfrequenzen abgestimmt. With these new benefits, you can benefit from optimal protection, with the desired sound being original. These are unbelievably mixed due to the mechanical damage caused by the different Gehörschützer since the packaging is delivered.

• This care for the well-being of the natural environment is a correct handling, care and protection of the natural environment.

• Take care of your health care with your eyes and eyes, you can see your health with a clear hand while you look at it and hint at it and keep it safe while you are there.

• Feel free to visit and enjoy your visit.

• Cleaning is regular and environmentally friendly (almost always). You can enjoy warm water and relaxation. Regular disinfection can be carried out with mild alcohol use. If you use it, NoNoise Cleansing Fluid will be pampered and the additional care you will receive.. You will enjoy the health protection in your fall as well.

• Protect your health in the light-weight aluminum packaging.

The noise protection can be used during normal use and care, as well as over long periods of time, due to the continuous improvement of the product characteristics. Please note that care and treatment will take place within 5 years of the packaging recovery date.

• These products can be improved by suitable chemicals. Information here so that you can find the repairer.

• Plötzliches oder schnelles Entfernen von Gehörschützern aus dem Gehörgang kann Schäden am Trommelfell be experienced.

• The optimal functions of the noise-free sound system are now established, when they are properly set up and cared for, as described in the Gebrauchsanweisung.

• Ein Gehörschutz muss in Umgebungen with hohem Lärmpegel ununterbrochen were received.

• Significant situations can be avoided. The Schallpegel is a source of influence during entry, within the inner region. Couples look at the light bulb, and the sound of the sound during the hearing, so they can be below 80 dB(A).

• The Gehörschutz bietet ohne Filter keine ausreichende Schalldämmung und kann nicht als eensolcher be spoilt.

• The Gehörschützer must be regularly subjected to reforms and damage. Im Falle solcher Beinträchtigungen müssen sie sietzt be.

• Bei Nichtbeachtung der Gebrauchsanweisung kann es zu einer Beinträchtigung der Schutzwirkung kommen. In the meantime, NoNoise BV has no responsibility for the organization of the signal products.

• Bewahren Sie die Gehörschützer außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern und Tieren auf (Erstickungsgefahr).

• The Durchmesser des Ohrstöpsels concerns 6 mm - 13 mm. The total length is 21.9 mm.

Docterskampstraat 5, 5222 AM 's-Hertogenbosch (NL)

No noise protection was assessed and assessed by: Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (IFA), Alte Heerstraße 111, 53757 Sankt Augustin, Deutschland (0121), in full compliance with the European Regulations for Personal Protection rust, PSA Regulation (EU) 2016/425.

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